人光 / Man Light 309±10 2003
Humans maintain their body temperatures at approximately 36 degrees centigrade to sustain life. When converted to absolute temperature (-273K), where all particles cease its activities, 36 degrees centigrade is 309K. In other words, humans can only sustain life in the plus and minus 10K range of 309K, where body activities come to a halt.
Temperature is measured by the differences in wavelengths, or the power of energy. The body could tolerate energy (light) in the plus and minus 10K range of 309K. But energy overriding this range would exceed its capacity, inhibit its receptacle qualities, and disable its physical capabilities. Thus, the energy (light) in the range of ±10K of 309K is "life."
群馬県立近代美術館(群馬)/ いととぬの、トゥルネー教会(ベルギー)/ 第5 回国際タペストリー・テキスタイル・アート・トリエンナーレ・エキジビション
神戸ファッション美術館(兵庫)/ ウールの衣服展